学术集科研成果、专利、论文: |
1. 2016年陕西省科技成果二等奖【毒品成瘾的关键分子机制及干预策略研究】2016-2-085-R1- 2. Guan F, Zhang T, Liu X, Han W, Lin H, Li L, Chen G,Li T:Evaluation of voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma gene families identified several novel potential susceptible genes to schizophrenia. Sci Rep 2016;6:24914. (SCI, IF 5.2) 3. Fanglin Guan, Huali Lin, Gang Chen, Lu Li, Teng Chen, Xinshe Liu, Jiuqiang Han, andTao Li(2016)Evaluation of association of common variants in HTR1A and HTR5A with schizophrenia and executive function. Sci Rep 2016; doi:10.1038/srep38048. (SCI, IF 5.2) 4. Li, L., Liu, X., Qiao, C., Chen, G. andLi, T., Ifenprodil Attenuates Methamphetamine-Induced Behavioral Sensitization and Activation of Ras-ERK-FosB Pathway in the Caudate Putamen, Neurochem Res (2016). DOI 10.1007/s11064-016-1976-z (SCI, IF 2.47) 5. Li, L., Qiao, C., Chen, G., Qian, H., Hou, Y.,Li, T. and Liu, X., Ifenprodil attenuates the acquisition and expression of methamphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization and activation of Ras-ERK1/2 cascade in the caudate putamen, Neuroscience, 335 (2016) 20-9. (SCI, IF 3.2) 6. Liu, X.S., Hou, Y., Yan, T.L., Guo, Y.Y., Han, W., Guan, F.L., Chen, T. andLi, T., Dopamine D3 receptor-regulated NR2B subunits of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in the nucleus accumbens involves in morphine-induced locomotor activity, CNS Neurosci Ther, 20 (2014) 823-9. (SCI, IF 3.784) 7. Yan, T., Li, L., Sun, B., Liu, F., Yang, P., Chen, T.,Li, T. and Liu, X., Luteolin inhibits behavioral sensitization by blocking methamphetamine-induced MAPK pathway activation in the caudate putamen in mice, PLoS One, 9 (2014) e98981. (SCI, IF 3.534) |